26 May 2012

baz's gatsby

Have you seen the trailer for The Great Gatsby film that's due out later this year?

No? Watch:

I think it's weird, but pretty. Baz Luhrmann made Moulin Rouge (also weird/pretty!) and the Romeo + Juliet of my teen years (also starring Leo!), so it could be crazy-good or too huge of a change from the Robert Redford classic for me to fall for its intended appeal.

Also: I'm not a big fan of Tobey Maguire. I don't think Leo is nearly as attractive as young Robert Redford.  And Carey Mulligan isn't nearly as charming as I think she's intended to be. (Um, anyone see An Education? They should've titled it A Complete Lack of Education, because the girl didn't learn anything! Snooze.)

And! If you haven't read the book... read it first! (And pledge to at Read it 1st!) You could also watch John Green's fantastic videos on the book (as you read!) and get way more out of it the first time around than I did when reading under the guidance of an apathetic lit teacher in high school.

Thoughts? Will you go to the theater or wait for it at home? Or skip it completely?


  1. Well, I haven't read the book but am slightly interested in reading it before the movie. BUT the main reason I want to see this movie is that I LOOOOOOVE Romeo + Juliet, so yeah, I'm watching this. I also love Leo lots. :D

    1. WHAAAAT?! You haven't read the book?! DO IT. I like Leo in general, too, but RR is Gatsby in my mind.

  2. I read the book and honestly, I don't remember much. I'll have to watch this to refresh my memory. I adore Leo, but like you, don't really like Maguire. Thanks for sharing the trailer :) I hadn't seen it yet!

    1. Yeah, I didn't remember much from my first time reading it (in school) either... I did remember loving the movie, though.

  3. YES YES YES. The book is one of my favorites & I got deliriously excited when I saw this trailer. Can we make a movie date & all go see it together (next December haha)??

    1. Haha. Planning ahead, I see! It's definitely a good one for us to all go see!

  4. I dislike the trailer, haha. Like everyone has been saying "I don't think he's read the same Gatsby I have." Maybe it will be better in the actual film though? I'm not planning on watching unless there are really rave reviews!


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